
How does ArcherFRS work?

A person in need calls 911 and the dispatcher determines if the ArcherFRS payload could help the victim. The caller’s exact location is obtained through their cell phone and with the simple click of a button, the vehicle is in en route to one of thousands of predetermined coordinates automatically identified by the system. A 911 operator can also enter an address for ArcherFRS to find the closest emergency payload delivery point.

Flying autonomously with real-time tracking of the vehicle’s location and status, the small unmanned air system (sUAS) is airborne in less than 18 seconds and reaches the victim in less than five minutes. The vehicle typically arrives within 50-100 feet of the caller. Never landing, the payload is lowered, and the vehicle returns to the Ground Control Hub for reloading. With the help of 911, the caller administers the appropriate payload contents while waiting for EMS to arrive.