Go Live

1. Coverage Analysis Proposal

A Submit

Cardiac arrest and overdose data

B Select

Strategic EMS station(s) for installation

C Review

ArcherFRS Coverage Proposal

3. Setup

  • ArcherFRS Prepares and submits PAO COA and 91.113(b) Waiver on your behalf
  • Archer Survey Analysis performed and Delivery Coordinates established
  • Static Obstacles and critical infrastructure are Geo-fenced
  • ArcherFRS integration enabled in Radius or Portal
  • Activate simulated systems to enable training

4. Installation

  • ArcherFRS will install your Ground Control Hubs
  • System tests are run to ensure Successful GCH installation

5. Training

  • ArcherFRS will enable Simulated aircraft for each of your installations that can be deployed by your dispatchers or call-takers to any 911 call
  • Simulator use is encoraged for at least 4 weeks to ensure workflow is fully understood and incorporated into day-to-day dispatch opetaions
  • ArcherFRS will provide SOPs and training for Dispatch, on-scene, and reset.

6. Go Live

  • Once Training is complete and COA and/or 91.113(b) waivers are approved ArcherFRS will transition the system from simulated aircraft to live aircraft.
  • We partner with agencies and hospitals to ensure residents are well-informed and prepared for the introduction of our life-saving drone technology
  • System is Live.
  • For Fully managed systems, ArcherFRS will perform monthly Maintenance checks on all infrastructure as well as 24/7 proactive and reactive maintenance to ensure System up-time.